DVW Teaser Video released
Without further ado, here is our cut-together of Dusmania 9.0 scenes plus original ingame footage plus official soundtrack tunes. Enjoy.
Without further ado, here is our cut-together of Dusmania 9.0 scenes plus original ingame footage plus official soundtrack tunes. Enjoy.
After I finished the Windows integration, Christopher did the necessary work on the Linux version (basically editing CMake files) and Jan did the OS X version work tonight (messing around with an XCode project in this case). Let me cite him to show how damn easy it was. [00:31] <sheijk|6S> sound geht ohne absturz: check (Sound works without a crash: Check.) [00:31] <sheijk|6S> musik laeuft artefaktfrei: check (Music runs without artifacts: Check.) [00:31] <sheijk|6S> das ganze hat abzueglich rebuilds < 10 min aufwand gekostet: check (Subtracting the rebuilds, it took me less than 10 minutes of work: Check.) irrKlang is now fully integrated into DVW and if the next release will overcome its last minor issues, irrKlang will officially become our audio library of choice. It’s always a pleasure to work with Nikos code. And, no, posting three irrKlang entries in a row this is not advertising but pure excitement.
…to WordPress 2.3.1.
Now that I’ve played around with irrKlang a bit, it’s time to write down a first resume. The first and best experience was how easy irrKlang was to integrate.
I kept my fingers crossed for him. What a pity he didn’t make it.
It’s funny to see how our requirements regarding sound support changed. When I started to incorporate sound into DVW (after our former teammate Anselm who wrote the very first audio device left us, that is) I went for Audiere. At that time, Audiere was a framework which fitted exactly our needs. We had a Windows-only game for the time being, were about to play WAV and MP3 files from memory and didn’t want to bother about threading and all the platform-specific audio internals ourselves. It had bindings for several other languages and it looked like lots of other projects were using Audiere. Eventually, even Irrlicht was using it for its demos, so I thought this was a good way to go. But things turned out differently over time.
For some odd reason, I prefer to listen to music with headphones while coding. I believe it’s because it helps me to isolate from my surroundings.
Apparently someone has leaked internal DVW data, possibly using an iPod or iPhone, as the evidence shows. If you know this bastard, tell him that we’ll segfault him.
Cut by mattin, original image by fefe. Taken at the “Freiheit statt Angst – Stoppt den Überwachungswahn” protest march, Berlin, September 22th.
I am currently attending a sechsta sinn team meeting and I’m just writing a small entry to point my appreciated readers attention to a small set of new screenshots we have released tonight. Just click on the image and see for yourself.