All posts filed under: Software Engineering

Visual Studio 2005 geschenkt

Auf habe ich gelesen, dass Microsoft 5000 Visual Studio Standard Lizenzen verschenkt. Voraussetzung ist, dass man sich anmeldet und sich dann mindestens fünf CodeClips zu Gemüte führt. Interessenhalber habe ich mir ein paar der Clips angeschaut. Die gute Nachricht für diejenigen, die nur auf VS aus sind, ist, dass der liebe Christian Wenz in seinen Beiträgen die Codes jeweils am Ende auch vorliest, das heißt, man muss nichtmal hinschauen. Aber es lohnt trotzdem, auch wegen der gelegentlichen freiwilligen und unfreiwilligen Komik: Christian Wenz bspw. öffnet lieber Mozilla Firefox anstatt den hauseigenen Internet Explorer, weil sich JavaScript “in anderern Browsern durchaus schneller abschalten lässt”. Jörg Jooss wiederum erklärt, “und wie man sieht…”, und ich habe nichts gesehen. Ob das jetzt schlichtweg ein Aktualisierungsproblem durch Bandbreitenengpässe war, oder tatsächlich jedes mal so zu sehen – oder eben auch nicht zu sehen – ist, kann ich nicht sagen, denn ein zweites Mal wollte ich mir seine Redekunst dann doch nicht antun. Die Sprechpausen waren stellenweise so lang, dass ich die Verbindung durch Blick auf das Netzwerksymbol / …

Template Parameter Types

I just had a case where I wanted to make sure that a C++ template parameter was of a certain type. The template should be used for pointers to instances of class “Base” and its derivates so that I could call a method of Base on the object provided to the template class. First, I thought there would be no way to achieve this, but then I tried a static_cast which turned out to be the solution: using the static_cast ensures that the type casted to is used at compile-time. Isn’t that beautiful? If you don’t need to access the object but constrain the template to a certain type, you could use the d’tor to implement some dummy code. Using this template with a type which is neither “Base” nor inherited from “Base” leads to a compiler error like “can’t convert ‘bad type’ to ‘Base’.

Exe Packers

Yesterday I searched for PE EXE packers. UPX is certainly the best known candidate, but it has a quite restrictive license when it comes to changing the loader code or preventing unpacking of the compressed EXE somehow. After digging through some commercial tools like Armadillo (which features were impressing!) and shady tools like morphine which are usually used to hide trojan horses, worms and the like, I found PackMan – a nice packer with source and dedicated to the public domain.

Game Objects

I just read something in AI Game Programming Wisdom 3 which sounded sooo familiar to me. Sergio Garces of Pyro Studios writes about game architecture regarding the game objects, “… we often see examples of inheritance abuse, making the fundamental mistake of confusing behaviour (what objects do) with identity (what objects are)” This is exactly one of the many mistakes I did in DVW, where the inheritance hierarchy is like Entity<-Unit<-Vehicle<-Constructor<-KPBConstructor or Entity<-Unit<-Building<-UnitFactory<-BunkerBarracks. It works, but this really is not the way I would do again. Next time, I would use a part-based approach like sheijk|6S is doing in Velox3D, i.e. the game designer (not necessarily the programmer!) creates units out of several abilities, just like plugging and playing: plug in a motor, and the entity could move; plug in a weapon, and the entity could attack or fight back; plug in a brain (i.e. some AI) and it knows how to use its parts. But we’re making good progress anyway.

Exceptions and Stacktrace in C++

Today I was discussing about how one could implement a stacktrace in C++, where one has not the luxury of Thread.dumpStack() or Throwable.printStackTrace(…) of Java. The general C++ approach one finds often is to create a dummy object on the stack at the beginning of each method which receives the current file and function as constructor parameters (using the __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ and __LINE__ macros) and stores them, i.e. increases a list pointer and saves the const char* at the resulting position. As soon as the object gets destructed at the end of the function, the list header pointer is decreased again. So, my first implementation looked like this: The first test with an exception I threw somewhere deep in the call hierarchy of my program revealed what one has to remember about exceptions: objects that exist on the stack at the time the exception is thrown are ordinary destructed. So, the d’tor of my CallStack object was called, too, and current was not pointing to where I had expected. So I had to mark the …

GTK Font Size

Although I’m not a Linux geek, I play around with it from time to time. I have a Gentoo installation on my notebook. One might argue about the different distributions, but I found this one to be the most intuitive among the ones I tried. Today, I updated to the current Eclipse 3.1 M5a milestone, which I use at work, too. I had no trouble with this version yet, and if it’s good enough for work, it’s fine for using it at home, isn’t it? I did not use portage, but downloaded the GTK 2 binary instead. One thing I disliked was the huge font size. I was able to customize most font sizes in the Eclipse options, but the main menu remained in its original way-too-large size. I found out that this was some kind of GTK default font, so I searched for a way to change it, and found a little handy tool called gtk-chtheme. I downloaded it using emerge gtk-chtheme and was then able to change this main font easily. Now everything …