
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.


Building a VR game with Unity 6, XR Interaction Toolkit 3, and Visual Scripting (2024)

An introduction to VR game development, presented as a written guide, using Unity’s Visual Scripting, and in German.

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How to build a game like Flappy Bird with Xcode and SpriteKit (2014)

This was a highly popular blog post I wrote shortly after the game Flappy Bird appeared in and ultimately was removed by its developer from the App Store. It explores in detail how easily the game mechanics can be implemented in Objective C with SpriteKit. (Unfortunately, Apple announced Swift later the same year and others beat me to porting the code.)

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Electively serialize to/from XML or binary in C++ (2007)

During development, it’s nice to have data in a structured, human-readable format which can be quickly edited with a text editor. For production, it’s often preferable to have a nice and tight format which saves space, is quickly to read and write and hides information from the hackers curious eyes. The tutorial shows a simple way to electively serialize to/from XML or binary in C++.

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Projekt E (2003)

Projekt E was a tutorial for a horizontal space shooter I started while I was writing my diploma thesis back in 2003. (Yes, I actually preferred to write a tutorial.) The idea and artwork behind Projekt E is based on an unfinished sechsta sinn project; the entire tutorial code is written in C++ and uses SDL.
Please note that this tutorial is >20 years old, unfinished, no longer up-to-date and does not resemble my current code style. Moreover, it’s in German.

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