Electively serialize to/from XML or binary in C++

XML Deserialization

Now that serialization was so easy, deserialization can’t get much harder, can it?

#include "Deserializer.h"
#include <core/Exception.h>
#include <core/tinyxml/tinyxml.h>
namespace vte
namespace core
class XMLParseException : public Exception
	XMLParseException( const std::string& message )
	:	Exception( message )
class XMLDeserializer : public Deserializer
	XMLDeserializer( const std::string& fileName );
	void beginAttribute( const std::string& name );
	u32 readNumberOfElements();
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, std::string& value );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, s32& value, std::string& readable );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, bool& value );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, u32& value );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, f32& value );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, vec3& value );
	void readParameter( const std::string& name, irr::video::SColorf& value );
	void endAttribute();
	const std::string getValue( const std::string& name );
	std::string fileName;
	TiXmlDocument doc;
	TiXmlElement* currentElement;
} // namespace core
} // namespace vte

One important difference is that the deserializer has to know what to deserialize. In this case, we’ll pass an XML filename into the constructor. You could also pass a TiXmlDocument reference or whatever suits your needs.

vte::core::XMLDeserializer::XMLDeserializer( const std::string& fileName )
:	fileName( fileName ),
	currentElement( 0 )
	bool result = doc.LoadFile( fileName );
	if( !result )
		std::ostringstream str;
		str << "Unable to parse XML file '" << fileName << ":" << std::endl;
		str << doc.ErrorDesc() << " in line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", column " << doc.ErrorCol() << std::endl;
		throw XMLParseException( str.str() );

beginAttribute again starts the processing of a new child of currentElement or root.

void vte::core::XMLDeserializer::beginAttribute( const std::string& name )
	if( currentElement == 0 )
		currentElement = doc.FirstChild( name )->ToElement();
		currentElement = currentElement->FirstChild( name )->ToElement();
	VTE_ASSERT( currentElement != 0 );

readNumberOfAttributes now simply counts the number of children. Note that TinyXML counts comments as a separate node type, so we should exclude them.

u32 vte::core::XMLDeserializer::readNumberOfElements()
	VTE_ASSERT( currentElement != 0 );
	TiXmlNode* child = currentElement->FirstChild();
	u32 count = 0;
	while( child != 0 )
		if( child->Type() != TiXmlNode::COMMENT )
		child = child->NextSibling();
	return count;

Deserialization of single attributes is nearly as easy as serialization. I wrote a little helper function which returns the value of an XML attribute of the current node or throws an exception if no such attribute was found.

const std::string vte::core::XMLDeserializer::getValue( const std::string& name )
	const std::string* str = currentElement->Attribute( name );
	if( 0 == str )
		std::ostringstream str;
		str << "Missing attribute '" << name << "' for element '" << currentElement->Value() << "' ";
		str << "in line " << currentElement->Row() << ", column " << currentElement->Column() << " ";
		str << "in file '" << fileName << "'";
		throw XMLParseException( str.str() );
	return *str;

Now the readParameter methods are easy to implement. There’s just one thing in readParameter( const string&, s32&, string& ) (the method I used for enum serialization, remember?). Whenever the deserialization hits a value which starts with a digit, it attempts to do a default lexical_cast to s32 instead of returning the descriptive string. This, of course, rules out the usage of descriptive enum aliases which start with a digit, so you might want to drop this feature.

void vte::core::XMLDeserializer::readParameter( const std::string& name, std::string& value )
	VTE_ASSERT( currentElement != 0 );
	value = getValue( name );
void vte::core::XMLDeserializer::readParameter( const std::string& name, s32& value, std::string& readable )
	VTE_ASSERT( currentElement != 0 );
	const std::string str = getValue( name );
	if( str.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" ) != std::string::npos )
		readable = str;
		value = lexical_cast< s32 >( str );

Again, I leave the rest of the methods to you.


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