I wrote this tool primarily for my wife. She is posting products from her online shops on her Instagram (and other stuff with affiliate link potential) all the time and there is no easy way to add links to Instagram postings. incredithing.com was a spare domain name of mine and it was a nice fit for this purpose: show off some incredible things!

As an Instagram user, you can put one or multiple links on any position of any of your Instagram images. You can then either add a short link to your Instagram image, tweet a link to the INCREDI:THING image or just share your INCRED:THING user URL. Links on multiple Instagram images lead to a nice “shop window” that people can visit and browse through.
INCREDI:THING generates image short links that can be easily added to an Instagram posting and it provides useful statistics about visitors per day, most clicked links and most clicked images.
https://www.incredithing.com →
Keywords Grails, MySQL, Instagram API, Ember.js, HTML 5, CSS 3, Sass, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Liquid Fire