…is overestimated.
…is overestimated.
Presentation by Mike Booth of Valve, interesting read. (Via sheijk)
Jordan Mechner’s (creator of Prince Of Persia) old journals. Tales from a time long gone. (Via Chris)
…Michael Jackson would jump out of his coffin at the end of the memorial and everything turns out to be the biggest marketing gag ever.
I came across this comprehensive list (German link) of surveillance laws including votes of the big parties in Germany. Interesting read.
Someone has cracked my long-time ELFrun highscore. Congrats!
…to WordPress 2.3.3.
I have added some little bugfixes to my serialization tutorial, methods XMLDeserializer::readNumberOfElements() and BinaryDeserializer::readParameter in particular.
4 days until Christmas Holidays…
…for all Firefox bloggers. It allows using the TAB key as an actual tab character in textarea fields. Homepage